A 7 - Minute Finisher

Add this fun little finisher to any workout for solid core blast!!

In my HIIT class today I programmed in so many fun things that I ran out of time for the core finisher. So as promised, here it is for all of those who would like to try this at home. It’s just 7 minutes, so set your timer and get to work. All exercises are 10 reps and you go through the circuit as many times as possible in the 7 minutes. Grab one moderate sized set weight and have SOOOO much fun and let me know what you think.

AMRAP Circuit Core Blast

Renegade Row Right Side

Forearm Plank Thread Right Side

Renegade Row Left Side

Forearm Plank Thread Left Side

Devil’s Press**

** “What the hell is a Devil’s Press?” you ask. It is essentially a burpee and dumbbell snatch combined.

With weights, start at the bottom of a burpee. Push up with the weights in hands as you jump forward to the bottom of a squat. The weights come through the legs as in a dumbbell swing then you use that moment to perform the dumbbell snatch. Release the weights down and repeat, repeat, repeat. You’re welcome!


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