Quick Pyramid Workout

This fast workout can be done anywhere with no equipment. Perfect for travel or those busy days when it’s impossible to get to the gym.

The workout took me 20 minutes and my heart was pumping and sweat was pouring. Don’t feel like you have to choose the same exercises as me. Mix and match, add in some of your favorites, and make the experience FUN!

Pyramid Circuit

Start with 20 reps of an exercise. Once finished, repeat 15 reps, 10 reps and 5 reps. If you have weights, you can increase the weight as the number of reps goes down. Once you reach 5, climb back up the pyramid. It should be a seamless circuit. 20-15-10-5-5-10-15-20.

I chose: squats, burpees, pushups, tricep dips, mountain climbers, and shoulder pike presses.

Tip: When choosing your exercises select ones that focus on different muscle groups to create a full-body workout.

Don’t want to pick out your own exercises? Check out my Shape Up E-Book and get access to over 60 workouts within seconds, plus tutorials on how tot complete those exercises safely and effectively.


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